There are many new facilities in the E&PS Department. Some of the facilities that I am helping to set up and my students would have access to are listed below. Please check back for more updates!
Stable Isotope Lab
A shared stable isotope facility is being built with Dr. Maya Gomes and Dr. Dana Brenner. More information about the capabilities of facility can be found here.
Mineral separation facility and new departmental prep spaces
A brand new zircon mineral separation facility has been established with Dr. Daniel Viete on the first floor of Olin Hall. Dr. Viete will be setting up a LA-ICPMS lab for U-Pb zircon analyses with the next year.
Microscope Lab
A new microscope lab was recently set up on the third floor of Olin Hall for petrographic, paleontological, and geochronological studies. The space houses 1 Leica 2700 P petrographic microscope, 1 Leica M125 stereoscope with transmitted and reflected light and polarizers, 1 Leica S8 APO stereoscope with goose neck lights, and 2 Leica EZ4 W stereoscopes with reflected light. A Nikon camera attachment fits onto all scopes.
A photo showing some of the structures at Camp Singewald. The property is located in Cambro-Ordovician sediments.
Camp Singewald
Johns Hopkins owns a field station in near Clear Spring, MD, that is available for teaching and research purposes.
More information about the camp can be found here.