Johns Hopkins University
AS.270.220: The Dynamic Earth: An introduction to Geology (Fall 2017, 2018; co-taught with D. Viete)
AS.270.221: The Dynamic Earth Laboratory (Fall 2017, 2018; co-taught with D. Viete)
AS.270.400: The Carbon Cycle: Past, present and future (Fall 2017; co-taught with M. Gomes)
AS.270.380/680: Seminar in Regional Field Geology (Fall 2018; co-taught with D. Viete)
AS.270.381/681: Seminar in Field Geology -- Spring Break trip to CA?NV (Spring 2019)
AS.270.668: Geobiology Seminar (Fall 2018; co-taught with M. Gomes)
AS.270.335: Guest lectures in Planets, Life, & the Universe (2; Fall 2016-2018)
Link to JHU E&PS courses can be found here.
Harvard University Teaching Fellow
EPS74: Field Geology of Death Valley in Kingston Range (Spring 2015)
EPS182: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (Spring 2013)
EPS74: Field Geology of Death Valley in Saddle Peak Hills (Spring 2013)
EPS74: Field Geology of Death Valley in Saddle Peak Hills (Spring 2012)
EPS74: Field Geology of Little Maria Mountains (Spring 2011)
EPS21: The Dynamic Earth (Fall 2011)
Harvard Adams House Resident Science Tutor/Advisor, Harvard College 2012-2015
ESL Teaching Experience
Kunming University ESL Professor, Kunming, Yunnan, China, 2009-2010
English Writing Tutor, Kunming, Yunnan, China, 2009-2010
High school English Instructor, Martapura, Indonesia, 2008-2009